RA Selection Process

Recruitment & Selection


住宿助理(RA)是住宿生活办公室的一名学生雇员. 从规划社会项目到指导住院医生利用校内外资源, 社区助理负责与社区居民互动并建立联系 area of campus. They serve in an on-call duty rotation, return to campus early each 学期协助开业,并非正式地咨询居民与他们分享 resources around our campus community.

Read the Job Description

RA Eligibility & Application

  1. Maintain a semester and cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher.
  2. Be in good conduct standing with the University.
  3. 在2024年秋季之前成为澳门赌场在线娱乐学生至少一个学期,届时该职位将 start.
    • 在其他学校有经验的转学生仍然有资格 to apply for the position provided they meet the other requirements.
  4. 在2024-2025学年保持全日制本科生身份 academic year.
  5. 不要参与任何会让候选人离开校园的学术经历 for an extended period of time.
    • 例如,药学四年级的学生不符合RA职位的资格.
    • 在2024-2025学年担任学生教学的候选人必须是 被安排在以下学区以保持该职位的资格: 澳门赌场在线娱乐-巴雷地区,怀俄明山谷西部,汉诺威地区,南提科克,怀俄明地区,皮茨顿 Area or Dallas.
    • 关注经验及其与注册主任职位的兼容性的候选人; should consult Residence Life before applying.
  6. 参加在2023年秋季学期安排的一个RA信息会议(时间表如下).

All applicants must be present for RA Selection weekend commitments:

  • Feb. 10 | Individual Interviews
  • Feb. 17 | Group Processing Activities

这些日子对于为所有候选人提供公平和一致的程序至关重要. 与这些日期有学术冲突的考生应联系办公室 of Residence Life immediately.

Info Sessions

每位新的注册会计师候选人都需要参加一次预定的注册会计师信息会议. 在这些环节中,我们将讨论职位,审查要求,参观工作 描述,并回答有关申请流程和RA工作期望的任何问题. These sessions are listed below:

Applying for the Position

有兴趣申请注册主任职位的候选人请访问网站 application below. 它会引导你到一个谷歌表格,需要你登录你的澳门赌场在线娱乐 username and password. 建议用户打开一个隐身窗口(Google Chrome)或私人浏览器 窗口(Firefox),登录到您的Wilkes电子邮件,然后访问应用程序. Applications will be due by Friday, Feb. 2 at 11:59 p.m.

New RA Application external website

申请中有一些简短的回答问题,如下所示. 您可能希望将它们写入Word文档并将其粘贴到应用程序中 as the form will not allow you to save.

Application Questions
  1. Why is the RA position important to a residential community?
  2. Reflect on a time you had to work as part of a team or group. What were the
    positives and negatives with working in this group?
  3. What has been a challenge for you since coming to Wilkes University? What steps have you taken to overcome this challenge?
  4. 请告诉我们一个你利用你的文化能力来解决问题的例子 or to change a situation for the better.
  5. Use three adjectives to describe yourself!
  6. 列出两个推荐信-至少有一个必须是澳门赌场在线娱乐社区成员(有 a Wilkes email address) as a reference.

RA Interview Process

一旦你提交了申请,你就需要开始准备 individual interview and group presentations. Attendance at interviews and group process is mandatory for candidates to be considered for the position.

Individual Interview

Saturday, Feb. 10, 2024

一旦收到所有申请并核实了基本资格, candidates will be contacted by Thursday, Feb. 8 with an individual interview appointment. All individual interviews will take place on Saturday, Feb. 10, 2024 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

每位候选人将会见至少一名学生事务专业人士和两名 RAs and should expect the interview to last approximately 30-45 minutes. Dress is 商务专业人士和候选人应该期望以专业的方式行事 throughout the experience.

Don't have business professional clothing? Contact carol.bosack@ce-unieditions.com 进入上校职业衣橱,挑选得体、新鲜、时尚的衣服 适合大学生参加专业面试或面试时穿的职业装 an internship or new job.

为了做好准备,以下是一些考生想要用来反思的问题. These are not actual interview questions.

  1. Why do I want to be an RA?
  2. What makes an RA a good RA?
  3. How might I develop a community in my area if I were given the position?
  4. I am facing a homesick resident. How would I help them?
  5. 如果一名学生因为自己的身份而感到被针对,那么校园里有哪些资源 can I direct them?
  6. What kind of community might I work best in?

Group Process Day

Saturday, Feb. 17, 2024

对于一个想要在注册会计师职位上取得成功的候选人来说,工作是至关重要的 with others. 小组流程日让我们有机会亲眼看看你是如何与 a group. 你将参加至少四种不同的活动 objectives. 住宿生活办公室的工作人员将为这些活动提供便利 and observing candidate behavior. While this is an "interview," we want to encourage all candidates to be themselves and have fun. We want to get you know you better in an informal setting.

应聘者应穿着舒适(牛仔裤、休闲裤、t恤、衬衫、运动鞋等).). Please avoid sweatpants. Candidates will be assigned to either the morning or afternoon session. Morning sessions will last between 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Afternoon sessions will last between 1 - 4 p.m. You will learn of which group and time you have been assigned for the day no later than Thursday, Feb. 16.

You've Applied. You've Interviewed. Now What?

Time to wait patiently! The RA Selection crew will review all applications and make 选择和安置是基于我们所能组建的最好的团队 to serve the Wilkes University residential population. That takes time.

Application Decisions

候选人将通过他们的澳门赌场在线娱乐官方电子邮件帐户被告知, of their status in our application process by Friday, March 15. 届时,候选人将收到通知,如果他们已经获得了一个职位,将 进入我们的备用RA池,或者如果我们当时无法为他们提供职位. Folks 获得助理助理职位或候补职位后,将会被告知如何 accept that offer.

New RA Orientation


我们将召集所有新入职助理到该职位进行入职培训,以了解招聘情况 文书工作,讨论秋季训练,并会见其他被聘用的团队成员. It will be expected for all new hires to attend this evening event. Orientation should not last more than two hours.


我们已经尽力使这个过程尽可能透明,但你可能仍然 questions. 住宿生活办公室会在这里支持你完成这个过程. 如果在任何时候,你对这个职位的任何方面有问题,请不要问 犹豫澳门赌场在线娱乐的办公室或新RA遴选过程的主席:

Amy Hunter

Assistant Director
Residence Life

Max Roth Center 2nd Floor
(570) 408-4339